Here's how to start your own game:

Choose a city

If your city isn't listed, select "Any City".

Form a team.

Form a team of 2-5 people. If there are more of you, split into teams and compete against each other.

Purchase tickets

For an optimal gaming experience, we recommend 1-2 people per device.

Go to the starting point.

Head to the starting point and redeem your ticket under "Start Game". Follow the steps in the app.

In a moderated game, you need to upload evidence to complete a challenge. Book a session with us, and we will accompany you live in the game and verify your evidence. This makes the game more exciting and is especially suitable for a team event.

Available Cities

Coming soon ...

Your City

Your City Custom
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 time duration

The Urban Challenger Universal Edition transforms any city into a shared adventure! No matter where you are, this game unlocks new perspectives and invites you to experience your surroundings in a creative and inspiring way. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and connect with each other and the people of the city.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.

Your City

Your City Custom

Coming soon ...

Your City

Your City
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 time duration

The Urban Challenger Universal Edition transforms any city into a shared adventure! No matter where you are, this game unlocks new perspectives and invites you to experience your surroundings in a creative and inspiring way. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and connect with each other and the people of the city.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.

Your City

Your City

Coming soon ...


Munich - Altstadt & Maxvorstadt Custom
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If you want to explore the Old Town, the Viktualienmarkt, and the English Garden in Munich with a lot of fun, you've come to the right place. Munich is a city with a rich history and many traditions, which become easily accessible with the challenges of this edition.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Munich - Altstadt & Maxvorstadt Custom

Coming soon ...


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A city of superlatives and contrasts: The high-rise skyline and the financial sector are just a short walk away from historic half-timbered houses. Experience Hessian culture, its wit and charm, and immerse yourself in the vibrant city life along the Main.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.



Coming soon ...


Frankfurt - Altstadt - Custom
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A city of superlatives and contrasts: The high-rise skyline and the financial sector are just a short walk away from historic half-timbered houses. Experience Hessian culture, its wit and charm, and immerse yourself in the vibrant city life along the Main.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Frankfurt - Altstadt - Custom

Coming soon ...


Hamburg - Custom
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Die wunderschöne Hafenstadt hat einiges zu bieten und so ist diese Hamburg Ausgabe, in der ihr die gesamte Altstadt und Speicherstadt erkundet, das Urban Challenger Spiel mit den meisten Challenges! Wie viele davon werdet ihr schaffen?

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Hamburg - Custom

Coming soon ...


Cologne - Innenstadt
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Die Stadt am Rhein hat neben ihrem Wahrzeichen, dem majestätischen Kölner Dom, noch viel mehr zu bieten. In dieser Edition können spielerisch die vielen Facetten der Stadt erkundet werden, wie ihre 2000-jährige Geschichte und die rheinländische Kultur.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Cologne - Innenstadt

Coming soon ...


Munich - Altstadt & Maxvorstadt
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Wer die Altstadt, den Viktualienmarkt und den Englischen Garten in München mit viel Spaß erkunden möchte, ist hier genau richtig. München ist eine Stadt mit einer reichen Geschichte und vielen Traditionen, die mit den Challenges dieser Edition leicht zugänglich wird.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Munich - Altstadt & Maxvorstadt

Coming soon ...


Frankfurt - Altstadt
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Eine Stadt der Superlative und Kontraste: Die Hochhaus-Skyline und der Finanzsektor liegen hier nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt von historischen Fachwerkhäuschen. Lernt die hessische Kultur, ihren Witz und Charme kennen und taucht ein in das schöne Stadtleben am Main.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Frankfurt - Altstadt

Coming soon ...


Hamburg - Altstadt
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The beautiful harbor city has a lot to offer, making it the Urban Challenger game with the most challenges! This edition allows you to explore the entire old town and Speicherstadt. How many challenges will you be able to complete?

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Hamburg - Altstadt

Coming soon ...


Mannheim - Innenstadt
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Mit seinem quadratischen Layout, barocken Geschichte und Schloss ist Mannheim wie ein stadtgeformtes Brettspiel, das darauf wartet, gespielt zu werden. Die Stadt hat eine reiche Geschichte erfinderischer Persönlichkeiten, was sie zu dem perfekten Ziel für diejenigen macht, die eine Herausforderung suchen.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Mannheim - Innenstadt

Coming soon ...


Leipzig - Zentrum
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Taucht ein in die lebendige Atmosphäre Leipzigs, der Stadt der Dichter und Denker. Eine bunte Innenstadt wartet darauf von euch entdeckt zu werden. Von historischen Orten bis hin zu künstlerischen Besonderheiten könnt ihr mit dieser Edition den Esprit dieser Stadt im Herzen Sachsens erleben.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Leipzig - Zentrum

Coming soon ...

Berlin - Kreuzberg
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Entdecke Kreuzberg aus neuen Blickwinkeln und entdecke verborgene Schätze in diesem lebendigen Viertel. Finde die besten Wandgemälde, werde selbst kreativ und tauche ein in die lokale Kultur und erfahre mehr über die historischen Wahrzeichen dieses Bezirks.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.

Berlin - Kreuzberg

Coming soon ...

Berlin - Mitte
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Erkundet die große Anzahl von Gedenkstätten und wichtigen Gebäuden in Berlin Mitte. Die Challenges dieser Ausgabe lassen euch mit neuer Perspektive auf historische Orte blicken. Neben einigen meditativeren Challenges enthält diese Ausgabe auch spielerische und kreative Herausforderungen, um unterwegs Spaß zu haben.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.

Berlin - Mitte

Coming soon ...


Freiburg - Altstadt
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Freiburg mit all seinem Charme und seiner Gemütlichkeit lädt euch zu einem Spiel ein. Erkundet die Altstadt, das Münster samt Bauernmarkt und andere historische Orte. Wenn ihr ein wenig Allemannisch mit den Menschen sprecht, werdet ihr die Stadt im Nu erobern.

We are currently touring through Germany, creating games in this city. You can follow us live on Instagram and TikTok.


Freiburg - Altstadt

Can't find what you are looking for?

If you would like us to come to your city and create a game, please let us know!

Thank you! Before we launch in your city you can always play the "Any City" game, which contains the best challenges from all cities that can be played anywhere.
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